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  • Writer's pictureJess Bardin

Itinerant Guide to the United Kingdom: Does Cheese Cause Bad Dreams?

In the United Kingdom, there is a widespread belief that eating cheese before bed can cause bad dreams or nightmares. This notion is a part of British folklore and has been the subject of various discussions and anecdotal reports over the years. The idea that cheese can cause nightmares in the UK is likely a combination of folklore, anecdotal evidence, and historical references. It has been perpetuated through generations and is sometimes mentioned in popular culture and media.

a cheese platter with a variety of different cheeses on it

The idea that cheese can cause nightmares is a staple of British folklore. Passed down through generations, this belief has found its way into everyday conversations and popular culture. It's not uncommon to hear a British parent cautioning their child against a late-night cheese snack, lest they be visited by unsettling dreams.

The Relationship Between Cheese and Dreams

The origins of this belief are somewhat murky. Some suggest it may have roots in the rich and often heavy nature of traditional British cheeses, which could cause indigestion if consumed in large quantities before sleep. Others speculate that the association with bad dreams might have been a way to discourage late-night snacking, promoting better eating habits and more restful sleep.

Controlling Your Dreams With Cheese

In 2005, the British Cheese Board decided to put this folklore to the test. They conducted a study involving 200 volunteers who ate a 20-gram piece of cheese half an hour before bed each night for a week. Surprisingly, the study found that cheese did not cause nightmares. In fact, participants reported having generally pleasant dreams, with the nature of the dreams varying depending on the type of cheese consumed.

The results were as follows:

  • Stilton Cheese: Wacky dreams

  • Cheddar Cheese: Dreams of celebrities

  • Cheshire Cheese: No dreams at all

  • Red Leicester Cheese: Nostalgic dreams

  • Lancashire Cheese: Dreams about work

The Scientific Perspective on Cheese Dreams

While the British Cheese Board study was small and somewhat informal, it does raise interesting questions about the relationship between food and sleep. Cheese contains tyramine, an amino acid that can influence the release of norepinephrine, a brain stimulant, and tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin.

  1. Tryptophan: Tryptophan is an amino acid that serves as a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with mood and sleep regulation. Some studies suggest that an increase in serotonin levels may contribute to vivid dreaming. Cheese, particularly varieties like cheddar and mozzarella, contains tryptophan in varying amounts, which could theoretically influence dream content.

  2. Tyramine: Tyramine is another compound present in certain aged cheeses. This substance has been linked to changes in blood pressure and the release of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in the body's fight-or-flight response. These physiological changes may potentially impact the content and intensity of our dreams.

This could theoretically impact sleep quality and dream patterns, although there is no definitive evidence linking cheese directly to nightmares. Additionally, heavy or rich foods, in general, can cause indigestion, which might disrupt sleep and lead to more restless or vivid dreams. However, this is not unique to cheese and can happen with various other foods.

The Role of Personal Sensitivity

It's important to note that the relationship between cheese and dreams is highly individual. Factors such as personal sensitivity to certain compounds, overall diet, and individual differences in neurotransmitter levels can contribute to varied reactions.

Tips for Dream-Friendly Cheese Consumption:

  1. Opt for Mild Cheeses: If you're concerned about the impact of cheese on your dreams, consider choosing milder options. Fresh cheeses like ricotta or cottage cheese typically have lower levels of tyramine compared to their aged counterparts.

  2. Timing Matters: Enjoy your cheese earlier in the evening rather than right before bedtime. This allows your body more time to process the compounds and may reduce the potential for dream disruption.

Alternative Causes of Strange Dreams

Factors like stress, sleep disorders, and daily experiences have more substantial evidence linking them to dream content. By focusing on these aspects, readers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of dream formation and dispel cheese-related superstition.

Despite the lack of scientific proof, the belief persists in British culture. It’s a testament to how folklore and tradition can shape our perceptions and behaviours. The notion that cheese causes bad dreams is a charming example of how cultural myths can influence our daily lives, even in the face of contradictory evidence.


In the grand scheme of things, blaming cheese for bad dreams might be more fiction than fact. While the relationship between food and dreams is intriguing, scientific evidence supporting the idea that cheese directly causes nightmares is lacking. So, feel free to enjoy your favourite cheese before bedtime without fear of haunting dreams – the real nightmare might be missing out on a delicious late-night snack!

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